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81 entries.
Chris Georges from Brooklyn wrote on September 11, 2014
Fredrick Da Bug. Guess what?, the big guy is getting married in 65 days!!! Unreal right? You will be happy to hear that im back down to my high school weight. Strict diet and exercise. Miss you guy, much love!!!
Michael Fein from New York, NY wrote on September 11, 2013
Writing on 9/11 but you're thought of often.
Benji Gabler from Jerusalem, Israel wrote on September 11, 2013
Lots of love from us here in the Holy Land. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your day of grief. Benji, P'nina, Uriel, Yosef and Elisha Gabler
Tommy Strohmenger from Brooklyn, NY wrote on September 11, 2013
Freddy! I cant believe it's been over a decade since you hazed me. I miss you buddy! Good thing Nagel is still around to blow me up. You were such a great influence, mentor, friend, and a lot more. Thanks for everything. Much love to all the Gablers and extended Baco family.
Vino from NY, NY wrote on September 11, 2013
Still giving us all heavy hearts 12 years later you big lummocks. We miss you and are torn up thinking about what would have and should have been for you and all of us together. Thankfully, Alexis is everything you would have hoped for and worked tirelessly to help shape. Mindy and your family have been incredible stewards of your legacy and we all will always love you. Vino
Chris Georges from BK, NY wrote on September 11, 2013
This still hurts 12 yrs later. Miss ya bud. my fantasy team is called Da Bugs in honor of you. Thanks for all the physical and mentally beatdown at Baco. I guess they were deserved after i stole numerous very fine drinks from under your bed. hahaha. Also, you will be very happy to know i still bet the over on MNF and now all primetime game. its made me a fortune. here to a true legend. love ya
Jaime Hazan from Jersey city, NJ wrote on September 12, 2012
Hey Fred, When my family moved to Dellwood Park when I was 8 years old, it was you who I hung out with, rode bikes with, build secret forts with. It was you who sold me my very first Playboy centerfold. (Thanks for that - you charged me more then the cost of the entire mag)...good business sense aside, today I visited GZ and found the exact place I spent most of my time searching as a rescue worker. I wish I found you old friend - you may be gone, but don't think for a second that I don't have the Styx and J.Geils Band 33s you got me for my birthday and a forever lasting childhood memories. (got rid of the centerfold) Your friendship made my childhood amazing - and I know how lucky I was to live down the street from a friend that made life fun, even waiting for the bus and having you beam a tennis ball at my ass (vice-versa) as we waited for the bus at the Davidoff's house. At Woodglen Elementary school, when you ran for class President, I remember making a pin that said "Use your head: Vote for Fred". It's an election year - you've got my vote buddy - I was so happy we had such a great time at our HS reunion, but had no idea it would be our last. May you rest in peace. Also, wishing all of the Gabler's and their extended family my warmest wishes on this difficult day. Leslie, Howard and Jolie, you have an amazing Son/Brother!
Rob Scheinman from Commack NY wrote on September 11, 2012
Thinking of you not just today but everyday. I can only imagine what you would have achieved over the last 11 years. Your parents send me the beautifully crafted book honoring your life. My thoughts and prayers to Mindy, Alexis and your entire family. Shiney
Jennifer Moskowitz from ny, ny wrote on September 11, 2012
I will never forget my first day in high school as a freshmen, fred was a senior......I was so scared. Fred introduce me to the entire basketball team and football team and made me feel soooo comfortable. He was one of the sweetest and loveliest men i have ever had the privilege to know! xoxoxoxo
Tommy Strohmenger from Brooklyn, NY wrote on September 11, 2012
Miss ya Freddy. All the time. Love to all Gablers. Also, I think its hysterical that the Baco gym is named after the Bug. Couldn’t be more fitting. The mental dress down received from Freddy and Nagel growing up was so influential - everything from how slow I ran, to my posture. Pretty important stuff for a 14 year old. Miss you buddy. The stuff you came up with was so good.
Emily Braxton from Parkland, Fl wrote on September 11, 2012
Just wanted to let the Gablers (Aunt Leslie & Uncle Howard) know that you are in my thoughts always, but especially today! xxxx, Emily
Tim Moran from Bronx, NY wrote on September 11, 2012
Looked out on my terrace tonight and saw the tower light shining. Then I said a little prayer for Freddy.
Laurie Katz from Hoboken, NJ wrote on September 11, 2012
On such a sad day, nice to know that Fred must be smiling down on Mindy & family and so proud of all the good they have done in his name. xoxo Laurie
Cheeks from Brooklyn, NY wrote on October 8, 2011
Yesterday Grobie and I chaperoned our 6th graders to the Memorial. Grobie wore the Bazaar shirt from this past summer in Fred's memory. Surreal experience. Grobie found Fred's name cut into the parapet at N26- I think. I did a rubbing of his name in bright crayons in my sketchbook and then added "Baco Pride". I thought of Mindy and Alexis. Grobie told me how awesome Alexis is...obviously she's awesome.
Vino from Rye, NY wrote on September 13, 2011
Many emotions for us all over the last few days. 10 years is an eternity, yet the feelings so easily bring us right back to that terrible time when we lost Freddy. My only solace of his not being with us all everyday is seeing the smile and spirit of his soul live on in the beauty that is Alexis. He would be so proud of what she and Mindy have built over the last decade and how strong and resolute Howard and Leslie in these many years since. I miss him so dearly and am thankful for the love that we shared.
Tommy Strohmenger from Brooklyn wrote on September 11, 2011
Miss ya Bug. Love to all the Gablers.
Michael Fein wrote on September 11, 2011
Never forgotten. R.I.P. Freddy.
Jessica Clothier from Knoxville, TN wrote on September 11, 2011
Praying for the family of Fred today! I received his name at a memorial service today at my college and i just wanted you to know that my thoughts are with you on this hard day! Praying for you!
Rob Scheinman SHINEY wrote on February 25, 2011
Today my phone rang at work. I thought it was a headhunter looking to inventory me for a job placement. I was wrong, very wrong. It was your dad who was looking to make contact with me for almost a decade. We shared some great stories about you and life in general. Your dad is a good man who misses you like it was yesterday. It was my pleasure to speak with him today, but clearly his pleasure to be able to call you his son. -Shiney
Pinchas Bauman from The Dead Sea, Is-real wrote on December 25, 2010
He was hard working but always took the time out to say hello. Proud to say I lived in the same house with him one year.